Press Contacts

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Laurent Demortier has been appointed Vice President of the
'Energy Management & Markets' Business. This business was
created on 1st October 2000 following the recent growth of
Energy Management & Markets activities, especially in North
America, and is composed of the Energy Management & Market
units of ALSTOM T&D in France and in the USA.

Laurent Demortier, 39, holds an MS in physics and an MBA
from the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) and
started his career in the aerospace industry. He joined the
Honeywell Group in 1990, where he held various general
management positions both in France and abroad, before becoming
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Honeywell
France. He joined ALSTOM Transmission & Distribution on 1st
October 2000.

Press enquiries :

Gilles Tourvieille / Séverine Gagneraud (Tel. +33 1 47 55
23 15)

Internet :