ALSTOM to build two patrol frigates for Morocco

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ALSTOM received confirmation on 12 July 1999, of a contract
from the National Defence Ministry of Morocco to build two
FLOREAL type patrol frigates, similar to those already in
service in the French Navy and intended for the patrol of
Moroccan fishing waters. The frigates, 93 metres long and 14
metres wide, can carry a helicopter and up to 120 crewmen. They
can operate autonomously for a period of 50 days.

Both vessels will be built by Chantiers de l'Atlantique -
part of ALSTOM's Marine Sector- and are due for delivery in
July 2001 and end of January 2002 respectively. This contract
represents around 1 million hours of work for the shipyard.

ALSTOM Marine is composed of two subsidiaries, owned 100% by
ALSTOM, and specialised in the construction of high value-added
vessels :

- Chantiers de l'Atlantique, based in St Nazaire, employs 3729
people for the construction of cruise ships (the largest order
book in the world), LNG, naval vessels, specialised ship and

- ALSTOM Leroux Naval, based in Lorient and in Saint-Malo,

323 people. It is a pioneer in the construction of high-speed