PENDOLINO: Tilting for speed

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Some history

In October 2000, ALSTOM’s Transport Sector acquired 51
per cent of the share capital of Fiat Ferroviaria, Fiat’s
subsidiary in rail transport.

Designed originally by Fiat Ferroviaria, the PENDOLINO’s
tilt mechanism enables trains to navigate curves at over 200 kph
on conventional tracks with only a few minor adjustments. The
concept is based on the way a motorcyclist combats centrifugal
forces by leaning into a bend. When this notion is applied to
rail travel it allows passengers to travel in greater comfort and
at higher speeds - an angle of lean of just 8 per cent leading to
speeds that are 30-35 per cent higher than conventional rolling
stock. With its PENDOLINO tilting train, ALSTOM is the world
leader in this technology.

The very first tests in the field of tilting technology were
carried out by Fiat Ferroviaria in the early 1960’s,
proving a great success and leading to the subsequent order of a
prototype by the Italian State Railways, FS, in 1974.

After extensive testing, the train was delivered in 1976 - the
first prototype of its kind in the world in commercial revenue
service. This success has continued with the first PENDOLINO of
the new generation, the ETR 460, entering into service in Italy
in 1995.

High technology

One of the main advantages of the PENDOLINO is its reduced
journey times due to its high straight-line speed and faster
travel around bends. What’s more, future research projects
will look into developments that will further improve weight
reduction and increase speed. Today’s PENDOLINO already
makes use of a load-bearing body made of aluminium based alloys
from the aeronautical industry which keeps the trains weight

The new trains also incorporate a number of innovations, for
example: the train manager will be more accessible with an office
in the middle of the train, not at the end and every seat in
first and standard class will have an audio entertainment system.
Other features include electronic reservations, visual passenger
information systems and sealed vehicles to avoid 'ear-popping' in
tunnels. The trains will also be the first to comply fully with
new disabled access regulations.

To meet the challenging train test and delivery programme
necessary to assure the reliability and safety of the
PENDOLINO’s, ALSTOM has invested over €23 million to
create a unique testing facility in the UK: the ALSTOM Midlands
Test Centre. With its 12 mile, fully electrified and operational
test track, the centre is the first major off-line test facility
in the UK.

Delivery in the UK

PENDOLINO trains are the focus of Virgin Trains’ plans
to deliver a hugely enhanced service on the West Coast franchise
in the UK, with ALSTOM having been chosen to design, supply and
maintain the new fleet. Particular attention has been paid to the
design of the train, which will set new standards of travel,
comfort and style, ensuring that rail travel will be the first
choice transport option for travellers.

A €1.8 billion contract, signed on 9 February 1999
between Virgin Trains and ALSTOM, constituted the single most
important rail contract in the UK for many decades and the most
advanced deal since British Rail privatisation began in 1995.

In terms of where the PENDOLINO belongs in ALSTOM’s
complete rolling stock offer, it is situated between the Coradia
(100-200 kph) and the very high speed TGV range (260-320 kph). In
fact, the PENDOLINO has been described as the TGV of countries
that do not necessarily have the resources to lay new dedicated
high-speed lines. However, all three of these product ranges can
be built as tilting trains, using ALSTOM’s field-proven, 3
rd generation ‘TILTRONIX’ technology which
has a proven design for both hydraulic and electromechanical
tilting systems.

Helen Connolly

Tel. +33 (0)1 41 66 91 43