ALSTOM was present at the World Congress on Railway

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ALSTOM participated as a high level sponsor.

Five speakers, representing the various nationalities of
ALSTOM presented papers on various themes including:

  • Optimizing the Railway System: Vehicle
  • Optimizing the Railway System: Infrastructure
  • Optimizing the Railway System: Network
  • Passenger traffic travel
  • Freight traffic logistic chain

ALSTOM Transport was dealing with a round table taking
place in the morning of 26 November. The theme was 'Markets
– Products - Technology Modularization, Harmonization,
Standardization/Technical collaboration create a
win-win-win-opportunity for customers, railway and industry'

Throughout the WCRR, Rail et Recherche the
SNCF Research
, was broadcasting the symposium newsletter in real
time over the Internet. The newsletter was presenting
highlights from the event, including summaries of keynote
speeches, excepts from plenary sessions, events, interviews with
leading figures, and so on.