Health and Safety

12safety directives, each focusing on a specific high-risk activity (ex: working at height)
7training programs deployed among employees
73%of Alstom employees were trained through the e-learning module on high-risk activities in 2023/24
Achieving zero severe accidents
Wherever it operates around the world, Health and Safety remains an utmost priority for the entire company, its employees and its contractors. Alstom deploys ambitious programmes to reach a clear target: prevent accidents and eliminate all severe accidents.
Health and Safety improvement is key for Alstom, which is why the Alstom Zero Deviation Plan focuses on high-risk activities to protect all employees and contractors worldwide from the risks they may face.
Launched in June 2012, it focuses on the monitoring of the most hazardous activities and has strongly contributed to the reduction of the number of severe accidents.
5number of occupational severe accidents
0.03Injury severy rate (employees)
0number of fatalities at work (employees and contractors)
60number or recognised occupational diseases for the entire Alstom scope
“Every year we reinforce the safety of our workplaces. That is our first priority.”
Alstom designs and deploys safety-training modules to answer generic and specific needs. For example, a dedicated training course has been created for employees at construction sites in order for them to have a better understanding of all the risks related to working in such a complex railway environment. Alstom is also deploying accident investigation training in order to reinforce its ability to identify the causes of events.
Health and Safety results
These efforts led to the achievement of significant results:

More specifically, safety results encompass the following:
Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) | |
employees | 0.8 |
contractors | 0.9 |
Total working hours | |
employees | 157,130,504 |
contractors | 46,121,866 |
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) | |
employees | 1.6 |
contractors | 1.3 |
Health and well-being
In Alstom, employee's health & well-being is considered as a central part of the employees experience. During the FY2023/24, with the support of the EHS and HR Teams, the health & well-being roadmap was updated, for the next three years and will be deployed across the Group. Four pillars were redefined:
- Work environment,
- Social wellbeing,
- Mental health, and
- Physical health.
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