Become a supplier for the Tren Maya project

Maya Train Sleeper External View without logo
Maya Train Sleeper External View 2

The Mayan Train will be "A train for Mexico, built in Mexico". Therefore, we are calling for Mexican manufacturing and trading companies that have the required capabilities to provide the products and services that will be used in the construction of this emblematic project.

We want to work with the largest number of companies established in the country to develop the best and largest supply chain in the railway sector.

Let's build the Mayan Train together!

  • Pre-qualification and registration phase

  • Companies that are shortlisted to participate in the second qualification phase will undergo an initial industrial assessment process called Quick Industrial Assessment (QIA); this process is a requirement in Alstom's global policies, which is carried out with the participant's consent and by qualified Alstom personnel.

    The QIA contains the following assessment categories:


    QIA                                                                      (Score >1.7, No 0)  




    Cadena de Suministro


    Producción: Indicadores


    Producción: Estaciones de Trabajo


    Salud, Medio Ambiente y Seguridad


    Calificación de Operarios


    Abastecimientos / Compras


    Ingenieria / Gestión de Proyectos

  • What are the product families required in Rolling Stock?

    Electrical components

    • Electrical harnesses
    • Fasteners
    • Labels
    • Catalogue parts


    • Windows
    • Seats
    • Handrails
    • Stickers
    • Rubbers
    • Fasteners
    • Textiles
    • Pictograms
    • Metal Parts


    • Pipe fabrication and assembly
    • Fuel Tank
    • Carbon steel parts
    • Stainless Steel Parts

    Signalling, Telecom and Workshop Equipment


    • Electrical panel and cabinet integrators
    • Control cables and fibre optics
    • UPS and electrical panels
    • Network/telecommunications equipment
    • Photovoltaic generators
    • Cabinets
    • Disconnectors

    Metals and Equipment

    • Catenary poles
    • Steel catenary brackets
    • Workshop equipment
    • Wheel presses
    • Bogie presses
    • Wheel winches
    • Wheel pit lathes
    • Wheel machining centres
    • Paint rooms
    • Sandblasting equipment
    • Mobile lifting equipment
    • Train/wagon washing plant


    • Low voltage installation and regulated elements
    • Earthing network
    • Lighting
    • Telecommunications
    • Video and surveillance system (VID)
    • Access control system (ACC)
    • Sound and voice system (SON)
    • Multi-service data network (RED)
    • HVAC Installations
    • Extraction, Injection and Cooling
    • Hydraulic and sanitary installations
    • Pluvial network
    • Fire detection system
    • Compressed air system
    • Renewable energy installations (PHOTOVOLTAIC)
    • Fire protection system
    • Electrical substation and connection from the CFE distribution networks.
Total de empleados
¿Trabajas o has trabajado para la industria ferroviaria?
¿Cuentas con certificación Iris?
¿Cuentas con Certificación ISO 9001?
¿Cuál es tu área de interés?

Adjunta los siguientes documentos:

- Carta de presentación de la empresa

- Acta constitutiva

- Opinión de cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales

- Estados financieros

- Certificaciones vigentes

- Declaración de capacidad

- Demuestra tu “Opinión del cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales” puedes obtenerla en el siguiente enlace:

One file only.
1000 MB limit.
Allowed types: zip.
10 MB limit per form.

The Tren Maya Project

The Mayan Train (Tsíimin K'áak, in the Mayan language) project will be one of the most important infrastructure works in the history of Mexico's railway network and a unique opportunity to boost economic growth in the southeast region by creating jobs and supporting local manufacturing, while preserving natural areas, ecosystems and the environment, promoting tourism and safeguarding local indigenous cultures.

Learn more