Alstom in Madrid

Alstom is a major player in the sustainable and smart mobility sector in Madrid, with more than 1,700 employees and a strong industrial and technological presence.

  • The image shows a map of the Community of Madrid in grey with red dots that locate Alstom's workplaces and the workplaces of Alstom's customers where Alstom is present. Each of the red dots is connected by a line with a text about each centre. The following information can be read in the texts:

    Headquarters, which also reads: Centre of Excellence and laboratories for signalling and railway safety, Innovation Centre for Digital Mobility and Corporate Headquarters Spain and Portugal.

    Fuencarral, a High-Speed maintenance site.

    Alstom - Ateinsa, located in the Cerro Negro site.

    Btren, one of the Joint Venture with Renfe, with maintenance sites in Santa Catalina, Cerro Negro, Fuencarral, Vicálvaro and Humanes.

    Irvia, one of the Joint Venture with Renfe, with a maintenance site in Cerro Negro and a CRCE (Electronic Repair Centre).

    Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, where the automatic train T4/T4S (complete system) is located.

    Metro de Madrid, with a maintenance sites (Canillejas and Humanes).

    Villaverde - Ametsis, where the design, manufacture and maintenance of braking systems is carried out.

    Pinto, where an industrial centre for the repair of railway equipment and the assembly of bogies is located, as well as a Digital Services site, where digital solutions are applied to fleet maintenance.

  • 1,700
    employees in Madrid (including JVs)
  • 355 M
    More than 355 million euro of purchases to Madrid suppliers
  • 40+
    international projects carried out from Madrid

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Main actor in Madrid's transport network

Half of the commuter trains running in the Madrid region are manufactured by Alstom. 

90% of the high-speed trains departing or arriving in Madrid are equipped with Alstom technology. 

The vehicles of Metro Ligero Oeste, Metro Ligero de Madrid and the Parla Tramway have been manufactured by Alstom.

The propulsion systems of 85% of Metro de Madrid's vehicles were manufactured by Alstom. 

The APM (Automatic People Mover) at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, developed, maintained and operated by Alstom Spain, is a national and international reference, as the first completely autonomous system in Spain.

Alstom's technology also plays a key role in rail traffic management in train stations such as Chamartín, the Madrid Metro network, the Metro Ligero network and the Madrid-Barajas APM.

  • State-of-the-art signalling

    State-of-the-art signalling

    Alstom has one of the most important signalling, security and digital mobility units in Madrid. The teams in Madrid develop sustainable, digital and connected mobility projects for the whole world, with success stories in Dubai, Athens, Sydney, Montreal, Istanbul, São Paulo, Cairo, Saudi Arabia and Mexico, among others.

  • Smart fleet maintenance

    Smart fleet maintenance

    Alstom has a pioneering unit for digital and predictive maintenance in Pinto, which monitors fleets throughout Spain in real time, and uses artificial intelligence and Big Data tools to improve train availability and reliability. This unit also specialises in developing solutions to improve the energy efficiency of fleets in commercial service.

  • Maintenance leaders

    Maintenance leaders

    Pinto's industrial site works in the maintenance and repairing of equipment. In 2022, the site expanded its facilities to incorporate a new bogie production line, to assemble the components for the new Casablanca trams, which have been manufactured at Alstom's industrial site in Barcelona.

Committed to Madrid

  • Alstom is also a driving force, promoting the growth and internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies wherever it operates. With an annual volume of purchases from Madrid suppliers close to 335 million euros, the Group has a broad base of collaborators, from consultancies and engineering companies to design studios, equipment manufacturers, professional service providers and electronic systems suppliers, among others.

  • Alstom actively collaborates with universities in the Community of Madrid, such as the Carlos III University (with its own Master's degree in railway systems), the UPM, the Pontifical University of Comillas and the School of Industrial Organisation. This commitment to education is completed with different collaborations with FP-Dual schools close to the work centres and agreements with institutions and NGOs to promote STEM training among young people.

Quality employment

The long-term industrial and technological commitment in Madrid also translates into a strong boost in job creation, with more than 500 new hires in the last two years.

Our vocation to be an employer of reference has led us to achieve the Top Employer certification for the 9th consecutive year. Alstom Spain is the only company in the sector to obtain the triple certification (Spain, Europe and Global), which places us as one of the best companies to work for in Spain.

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