Track capabilities: Providing a wide range of track solutions

Track capabilities at a glance
- Deploying competitive technologies
- Goal: to optimise track life cycle cost
- Worldwide references in London, Lausanne, Chennai, France, Singapore, Dubai etc.
- Specialists in interfaces and delivery of integrated projects
- Strong focus on construction safety and quality
Through its worldwide track team, Alstom delivers safe, optimised track solutions which deliver customer benefits throughout the whole track life cycle.
Covering market demands
Across the globe, Alstom has both permanent track teams (Paris, Bangalore, Istanbul and elsewhere) and temporary project teams. These provide cutting-edge services for tenders and ongoing projects. This covers railways from light rail through suburban to mainline. Latest technologies and best practices are provided by our permanent offices’ project teams close to the site, to partners and to the customer. This centralisation enables Alstom to deploy in-house models and expertise to perform complex analyses, for instance in the structural domain using Finite Element Methods dealing in the transmission of ground-borne noise and vibrations to people living or working near the railway. In the construction field we are at the forefront of fully-mechanised slab track construction, notably with our own Appitrack brand, employed in numerous projects over the last 15 years.

Presence in all project phases
Our trackwork teams are involved from conceptual designs through to testing & commissioning and maintenance. This enables us to be involved in track contracts of any perimeter, from a fully blown privately financed scheme for a global railway solution (e.g. the Nimes Montpellier bypass HSL) to a standalone track contract (Downtown Line in Singapore). Working alongside the other railway subsystems, we participate in Alstom’s unique ability to address interface issues such as track/civil works and wheel/rail interfaces, in order to deliver a fully integrated railway.
In-house expertise
Customers in many countries including the UK, India, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland have benefited from our extensive in-house track skills at all stages of the track life cycle. We have in-house competencies to develop both design & construction and maintenance methodology, but we are also proficient in mobilising appropriate external resources in an effective way. This approach enables us to take on extremely complex track projects, for example lines 4, 5 & 6 of the Riyadh metro where we are implementing in-house solutions (“Appitrack Metro” and several other trackforms). We also have the in-house human resources to address all activities associated with track, from construction sequencing and programming to procurement and cost control.
38projects completed worldwide
2, 000km of tracks successfully laid