Alstom Transport received representatives of French enterprises in Russia

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A delegation of representatives of French enterprises specializing in the manufacture of railway rolling stock equipment and components paid us a visit at the joint initiative of Alstom Russia and Chamber of Trade and Industry of Paris. Their visit was aimed at sharing experiences and examining the possibilities of further co-operation with Alstom in Russia and CIS.

Country President of Alstom Russia Philippe Pegorier and our Transport team, including head of Alstom Transport in CIS Bernard Gonnet, head of the sourcing department Jean-Francois Michaut and deputy general director for production of Transmashholding (TMH) Frank Lecoq welcomed the delegation in Moscow.

The second part of the visit took place in Novocherkassk: delegation members visited Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ) where they made a tour of shops and talked to NEVZ's General Director Sergey Podust and head of the Novocherkassk representative office of our joint venture with TMH – TRTrans – Andrey Marchenko. The French guests also boarded the second test specimen of EP20, an electric locomotive designed by TRTrans. Following the April meeting dedicated to the railway infrastructure development attended by Vladimir Putin, our EP20 electric locomotive has become one of the plant's sights: back then, the test specimen of EP20 was one of the main showpieces of a special exhibition held in the Rizhsky Railway station in Moscow.