Alstom's Colongra Power Station Recognised for Engineering Excellence

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 Alstom's Colongra Power Station recognised for Engineering Excellence  

29 September 2010  

On the 17 September, Engineers Australia recognised Alstom's Colongra Power station with a Highly Commended award in the Project Management category at the annual New South Wales Engineering Excellence Awards.

At 660 MW, the Colongra Power Station is the largest and most modern open cycle gas turbine plant on Australia's National Electricity Market. It was delivered safely, on-time and under-budget by Alstom for customer Delta Electricity. According to Engineers Australia, the plant has set a benchmark for collaborative Australian and international project management expertise.

Project highlights included:

- A record time for program delivery, registration and testing for generator grid connection
- Unique engineering of the gas turbine for site-specific noise requirements
- Exceptional safety record - one lost time injury (LTI) recorded in 1,500,000 man hours and a workforce of 350
- Benchmark standards in industrial relations and site management

Colongra is a 4 x GT13E2 open cycle power station. It is designed to help New South Wales meet peak demand for electricity and can start up in under fifteen minutes.