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In December 2009 the Spanish Government approved the R&D project called OCEAN LIDER, in which the company Areva T&D Ibérica¹ is involved. The project will last 3 years with the participation of 20 Spanish companies which, together with Areva T&D Ibérica, are market leaders in renewable energy, such as Iberdrola, Acciona, Prysmian, Sener, etc. The project also includes the collaboration of 25 Innovation Organisations, 10 of which are universities from throughout Spain. The project will be partially financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), dependent on the Ministry of Industry and Energy, within the CENIT-E plan.

The goal of the project is to expand knowledge on the optimal use of submarine renewable generation resources (wind, tides, waves, marine currents...). The project includes identifying the sites, buildings, generation, transformation and distribution of the energy and the commissioning and maintenance of the facilities with a special focus on minimising the environmental impact of each activity.

The project is divided into six sub-projects and Areva T&D Ibérica will participate in the project on electric infrastructures together with Iberdrola (as the leader and future user) and Prysmian (submarine cables and connections). Areva T&D Ibérica will be in charge of the entire design of the submarine and land substations, including all auxiliary equipment and services, the energy transmission system (AC or DC), the connection to the national power grid, including flexible transmission systems (FACTS), integration into the central control systems (EMS/DMS) and the energy market (Delegate Centres).

Areva T&D Ibérica has signed a cooperation agreement for this project with the Technical University of Madrid, which will provide support for any grid studies required for project development.

Subsidies and support

PlanE / Gobierno de Espana / CDTI

1 On 8 June 2010, Alstom introduced its new sector, Alstom Grid, after its acquisition of the transmission and power electronics activities of Areva T&D.