Alstom help celebrate 40 years on the grid for Kingsnorth

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Over 800 visitors turned up to Kingsnorth Power Station on Saturday 22nd May 2010 to take part in a Family Day organised by E.ON to celebrate 40 years since Unit 1 was first up and running on the National Grid.

Alstom and E.ON employees and their families as well as members of the local community were out in force at the Family Day where a variety of activities created an educational and fun-packed event.

Much fun could be had in the 'Events Area' where bouncy castles suited kids of all ages, 'Mr Fizz the Colourful Wiz' created balloon animals and a horizontal climbing wall faced the most fearless of visitors.  For those visitors wishing to learn more about electricity production, two E.ON apprentices used a bicycle and light bulb to demonstrate how it is essentially made.  In the 'Exhibition Area', Alstom hosted a stand displaying Clean Power and environmental messages with recruitment postcards and branded giveaways available for the taking, adjacent to an E.ON Carbon Capture display, a C&D stand and Kent Air Ambulance who also had a presence.

Visitors could become more familiar with the 400-acre Kingsnorth site by the site tour, which covered the Turbine Hall/Boiler House and Control Room, as well as a resident wildlife expert providing fascinating talks at the Oakhamness Nature Study area.  NOREC, another E.ON contractor, showed their heavy equipment used on coal plant operations at the lagoon area.

Alstom has had a presence at the Coal & Oil Fired Power Station for 11 years with an ongoing general maintenance contract and outage works. Forty Alstom personnel currently reside on site.