Unidade da Alstom em Taubaté recebe novo projeto e retoma atividades industriais
Unidade da Alstom em Taubaté recebe novo projeto e retoma atividades industriais

Company will export to Chile trains boxes manufactured in the city
September 3, 2018 - Alstom announces the opening of a new production line at the Taubaté (SP) plant, focused on the manufacture of stainless steel housings for the Santiago Subway in Chile. The adaptation is part of the resumption of industrial activities in this unit and also covers the hiring of new employees.
The factory restarts industrial operations after the end of production of 32 Citadis VLTs for Rio de Janeiro. The new project, named NS16, will deliver 35 new trains to the Santiago subway. These boxes, after being produced in Brazil, will be sent to the Alstom unit in Chile, which will conclude the assembly for final delivery to the customer. The project started at the Lapa unit in São Paulo and will be completed in the interior of the state, where the remaining 166 boxes will be made.
To meet this demand, by 2020, the factory will have approximately 120 employees between the administrative and operational areas. In partnership with SENAI (National Industrial Apprenticeship Service), employees from the operational area were trained during the last quarter and some workers from the Lapa unit were transferred to continue the project.
"The resumption of industrial activities at the Alstom plant in Taubaté is a very important milestone for all of us and reinforces our commitment to the country and the region. The Taubaté unit is a modern factory, equipped and prepared to receive railway projects coming from Brazil or any other country in the world, generating jobs and bringing development to our region, " says Pierre Emmanuel-Bercaire, Alstom's General Director at Brazil.
Since its inauguration in 2015, Alstom has invested around R $ 50 million in the Taubaté factory, which has about 16 thousand square meters and was remodeled for four months to receive the new production line. In total, the unit is prepared to produce seven stainless steel boxes per month in one shift.
The company has been present in Brazil for more than 60 years and has participated in the development of the country's infrastructure to promote improvements in urban mobility. Its portfolio includes trains, VLTs, signaling, services and systems operating in cities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Caracas, Mexico City, Lima and Panama. cargo transportation, such as Vale and export projects to countries such as South Africa, India, the United States and China.