ALSTOM Transport has delivered 30th X40 double-decker to
Swedish State Railways - Goal for 2005 reached

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Altogether, the Swedish State Railways have ordered 43 train
sets from ALSTOM in 2000 (16 two-car-units and 27
three-car-units). The first train was handed over to SJ on
February 9th, 2005. The complete fleet will be delivered in
spring 2006.

The X40 is the first double-decker in Sweden. A two-car-unit
seats 180 passengers, a three-car-unit 288. The X40 runs at
maximum speed 200 kph.

The train is equipped with air conditioning, passenger
information system, and all seats have headphones and
electricity available. There is a toilet for handicapped
passengers. The entries are on the same level as the platforms.
The doors are extra wide, 1,30 metres.